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Avi Kenan enthält
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" my political opinion"





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Avi Kenan (links) und Jean-Louis Gindt (rechts)
während der "Art Nocturne Knocke" in Knokke (Belgien), August 2004


Avi Kenan, 1951 geboren, lebte sein Kindheit in Israel. Zwischen 1972 und 1976 stellte er seine Kunst in Haifa, Bat-Yam und Tel Aviv aus.

Seit 1977 lebt er in Belgien und 1985 erhielt er die Belgische Staatsbürgerschaft. Viele Ausstellungen hatte er seitdem in Belgien, in den Niederlanden, in der Schweiz und in Frankreich. In den Jahren 1982 und 1983 war er ebenfalls in den USA. Eine retrospektive Ausstellung fand 2004 im Europaparlament in Brüssel statt.

Avi Kenan sagt von sich:

"I dedicated my life to the demanding work off sculpture and everything around it. The message I always wanted to propagate comes down to world peace and harmony, though I did not intend to obtain the Nobel Prize.
I have done my utmost to reach minds and hearts through my work. I attempted to pass the message of peace, to open the eyes of my fellow human beings, who are so occupied with their daily grind and routine, as an incentive to attain the things that really matter in life.
Some of my statues are a protest against violence and war, against the suffering and ordeals which hamper the spiritual harmony and inner peace. Naturally, an an Israeli and Belgium artist, I protest against the suffering of Jewish people as well as other people in the world."

Skulturen in diesem Raum:

- Christianity - 1985 - 75 x 55 x 12
- Suffer - 1979 - 70 x 55 x 20 - Rückansicht
- Peace
- 1989 - 122 x 120 x 60
- The petrol price
- 1991 - 202 x 94 x 95
- Nirvana
- 1999 - 100 x 40 x 40
- Massada
- 1977 - 76 x 76 x 70
- Silent World
- 1982 - 65 x 35 x 25
- Pharaoh's Dream
- 2000 (on the Dijk at Knokke in August 2004)

- my political opinion - 1979 - 134 x 52 x35